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Writer's picture: Jeremie ArrobasJeremie Arrobas

Please introduce yourself, tell us about you (age, nationality, profession) and how you became a simracer

Age : 56, Canadian, Automotive Fixed Opts manager. I started Sim racing during the beginning of the Covid lockdown. I was working from home and had an xbox which I really never played. I figured I would try out the F1 game and thats when the hook came in, played with a controller for about 2 weeks then figured I needed a wheel and it hasn’t stopped since.

How long have you played ACC ?

I started playing ACC when I found Eseniors, before that I would play the F1 games. I guess that would be about a year and half ago once I started really playing ACC, I have not played any other games. I have tried other games that are out there but so far ACC to me is the best of them all.

Tell us how the idea of the eSeniors came to you ?

First saw the group from a Facebook feed, signed up back then I believe there was only group 1 , the growth of the league since then has been incredible, so many people from all parts of the world

How was it racing in the Eseniors Championship ?

Great fun, nice to meet people from different parts of the world. I think the thing I like the most is all the different types of racers and the way people are always happy to help someone get better, to see people improve their skills and move up through the groups as the season go by shows what a great league this is. I look forward to the new season, new racers coming into different groups, should be another great season

How many hours did you spend preparing yourself for a Race, and why is it important ?

I would say I practice about 6hrs a week sometimes more, usually meeting other drivers at night on the servers spending time in chat everyone talking and trying to improve there skills. This season my priority will be consistency, I have always been focused on speed and in doing that my consistency has not been great. The goal this season will be to have consistent track times and stay out of trouble by pushing too hard and spinning and picking the right times to defend or go for a pass.

What kind of equipment do you use (wheel, pedals, PC, screen, etc) ?

Simagic mini direct drive, GT4 wheel, Simagic hydraulic pedals, triple 32 inch curved screens, Intel I7 10 series pc with a 3070 GTX card, Track Racer TR8020 Rig with a GT seat, a few other add on that never seem to be enough.

Do you buy setups or do you setup your car alone ?

I’ve bought set ups but usually end up using an ingame set up and tweaking it to fit the way I drive. Thats another thing I want to improve on this season, the setup of the car. Being more consistent will help to really see how the tweaks are helping improve the car.

What makes you faster than the rest?

I wouldn’t say I’m faster than the rest but after getting the direct drive wheel, I’ve become more consistent. Changing the mind set to not try and be the fastest but to be consistent, the speed will come.

What is you favorite car and why ?

I would say the BMW M4 right now, but I do also still drive the Aston, I guess front engine vehicles seems to suit me, they feel good in the corners and take the curbs pretty well.

What is you favorite circuit (s) and why ?

Brands Hatch, I’ve always done well there, I like the different types of corners there, I would put Oulton Park and Misano in my top tracks as well.

Who are your childhood racing heroes ?

Being from Canada, Jacques Villeneuve, Montreal being about hour away and only ever being to 1 F1 qualiying session there. That will change this year with starting line tickets for the F1 weekend.

Can’t wait.

What is the best advice you would to give to a simracer ?

Don’t worry about speed, focus on consistency and practice with other cars on the track and speed will come

Are you satisfied with the Eseniors organization, and do you have suggestions to help bring a higher level of competition ?

The group is going in the right direction, I’m happy with the changes. The live stewarding really sounds like a good idea. Its not an easy job to get everyone on the same page with change, your doing a great job. It’s a lot of work to keep this group going I’m glad to see you are getting help from the other racers. This really is a great group of people always willing to help. With this many people from all parts of the world will it ever be perfect, no but I really think its a great place to be.

And finally, the most important many speeding tickets have you accumulated to date ?

Well just picked up a $300 ticket on Thanksgiving day, not a very thankful day !

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